Friday 20 May 2011

Our Grape Vines - update

Back in February we wrote about pruning our eating grape vines. Well the vines have sprung into life....

However this has left us with another problem. There are an awful lot of flowers on each vine and I feel some should be removed.

Various sites on the internet (USA sites) appear to be saying prune back to one flower per stem and those stems with no flowers prune back to the first leaf.

We need some help here !!! Do we prune OR do we wait and see what happens.  My view is to prune but Elizabeth favours the 'wait-and-see' approach.

Has anyone any advice to offer us please.....


Susan said...

My orchard neighbour comes in and prunes if I don't do it at the correct times. I gather it is quite sinful not to prune. Ask your French neighbours. Seriously, I would prune. You need to trim again in late summer, taking off all the whippy excess growth and allowing the sun to get to the grapes, and prune hard in November, back to a couple of leaf buds on each shoot.

Colin and Elizabeth said...

Thanks Susan. Prune it will be next week..